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Should I Learn Piano from a Teacher or an App?

December 20, 2023

Should I Learn Piano from a Teacher or an App?

Should I Learn Piano from a Teacher or an App? 

Did you know that 85% of piano learners prefer having a real teacher over an app?

There are many reasons why using a real piano teacher is better than an app for piano learning. Here are a few reasons why:

  • A real piano teacher can provide expert guidance and customized instruction that suit your specific needs, skill level, and learning style. An app can only offer a generic and limited curriculum that may not address your challenges or goals.
  • A real piano teacher can help you develop musical interpretation and expression, which are essential skills for playing the piano. A teacher can guide you in understanding the nuances, dynamics, and emotions of a piece, and help you infuse your playing with personal expression and artistic interpretation. An app can only teach you the notes and rhythms, but not the meaning and feeling behind them.
  • A real piano teacher can provide motivation and accountability that can keep you on track with consistent practice and feedback. A teacher can also inspire you with their own playing and passion for music. An app can only offer rewards and badges, but not the human connection and support that a teacher can provide.

These are just some of the benefits of having a real piano teacher over an app. If you want to learn more, our team of experts can help you find the right piano teacher near you! 

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